far out ,
exams are back again .
and im trying to find every possible distraction there is , fantastic
: )
sigh, its weird though . cos people have been saying 'ohh , year 11's over!' and yet we still have a whole week + exams left, haha i was on the phone with a friend and we were talking about uni/future plans and why life is so difficult and basically --
just getting depressed
lolol . and our lives aren't even bad compared to particular others .
"blame it on society"
but i think uni isn't going to live up to the expectations all us high schoolers have built for it . it's probably going to disappoint us and then we'll miss high school and the 'simpler days' . but i guess we're never grateful for what we have until we lose it , which is why we hate high school :) and in particular , right at this moment , i hate modernism and essays and 'sophisticated words that try and make you sound smarter but really you don't really even know what they mean' mm , fun .
to know what you want . rhetorical question ?